Increase your confidence to work in an evidence-based and culturally safe way

Many passionate kaimahi struggle to integrate mātauranga and Tauiwi knowledge in an equitable and usable way.

I’ve experienced this challenge first hand and was inspired to develop a research programme to better understand and overcome the barriers to bi-cultural evidence-based practice.

I now support kaimahi to design and deliver services that are evidence-based and culturally safe, by recognising the intersectionalities that shape individuals’ experiences and tailoring services to specific areas of need.

When you work with me, you will have increased confidence in your mahi, because you understand the diverse sources of knowledge that inform your approach, and how these fit together to achieve meaningful outcomes.


Dr Roxy Heffernan

My core values


My core values are freedom, excellence, and connection.



We all want freedom to work in ways that align with our values and expertise. I’ll work alongside you to identify meaningful outcomes and a clear way forward, including tackling anything that’s getting in the way.


It feels good to get things right and know we’re having an impact. We got into this work because we want to change lives. I’ll help you identify strengths and areas for development, so you can be more effective in your mahi.



Nobody has all the skills, knowledge, or cultural perspectives, collaboration is so important. I love working with other researchers and organisations who are passionate about making a difference.